I’m so grateful that you’ve decided to participate in our 2022 Planner sharing contest! I’m excited about all the new Planner users we’ll be reaching, with your help. I appreciate you so much, and I’m looking forward to rewarding you for helping me get the word out about the Planner.
Here are the details you’ll need to begin sharing:
Your unique sharing link is: https://stepintosuccessstore.com/pages/2022-planner-conest/[{22rid}]
Make sure you ALWAYS and ONLY use this link whenever you share. This is what allows us to track any purchase made by someone you refer. Copy and paste it somewhere safe so you have easy access to it through the end of the contest.
You’ll find pre-written email copy and a few sharable images to use when sharing below on this page (just scroll down). Feel free to modify the wording in any of the copy to reflect your individual personality and the way you would communicate the message. This is just a starting point to make it easier to share.
You can check your standings in the contest anytime on this page HERE.
The GRAND PRIZE for the person who sells the most Planners through their affiliate link (as long as you sell at least 10), is a $200.00 Amazon gift card. That includes individual Planner sales, or those sold as part of our “I Want it All” Bundle.
The person who comes in second on the leaderboard will get a $100.00 gift card
The third place overall earner will receive a $50.00 gift card.
We’ll be emailing updates beginning later this week, so keep an eye on your email box to see who’s in the lead and how close you are to that top spot!
We’ll also be doing two drawings a week beginning the week of December 27th through the week of January 10th, 2022 from anyone who’s made any sale during that week and will announce the winner of those drawings in the update emails.
I’m looking forward to rewarding you for helping me share the 2022 Planner and I can’t wait to see how many more people we can help by getting this planner into their hands before the middle of January!
Let’s do this together!
Use the below email copy to email your team and friends about the planner. Feel free to use it as it’s written or change it up so it sounds more like it’s coming from you. This is just a sample to help you get started.
Hi there!
I’m emailing you today about a tool that I’ve found that’s made a huge difference in my business. It’s Belinda Ellsworth’s Planner for Direct Sellers.
This Planner has been the best selling Planner for direct sellers and network marketers for the past 4 years. Every year, Belinda improves the planner to make it a more effective, efficient tool for direct sellers. It’s much more than a calendar. It’s a complete system for running your business.
Here’s what’s inside this amazing planner:
This Planner is unlike anything else on the market and I know it could make a huge impact on your direct sales business in 2022! Take a moment to check out all the details HERE: {add your unique link here}.
{Your signoff - Hugs, Sincerely, etc.},
Your Name
Below you’ll find 4 different images to use while sharing on social media. Remember to always share your unique link in the post when sharing these images. You’ll find some sample post language below for sharing as well.
Here are instructions for downloading these:
From your computer - Simply right click on each image, choose “Save image as” and then download and save it someone on your desktop that’s easy to find and access (maybe create a special folder called “Planner Sharing Images.”).
From your phone: Click and hold on each individual image and then choose “Save Image” to download directly to your phone.
Here are some “tag lines” to use along with the above images. Choose the image you like and then use one of the lines below. Remember to use your unique link in each post you share.
Ready to kick your direct sales business into high gear in 2022? You NEED this planner! {insert your unique link}
If you’ve got big plans for 2022, you need this complete business planner specifically designed for direct sellers! Check it out. {insert your unique link}
I’m all set for my best year yet in 2022 and this planner is a HUGE reason why. Check it out! {insert your unique link}