A Blog Post About Blog Posts
Today’s blog post, brought to you by the team at Step Into Success is…
Are you ready for it...
It’s a good one…
It’s about…
A blog post.
Here at Step Into Success, my team and I are upping our game. From Monday-Friday you will now be receiving a blog post from us EVERYDAY.
These blog posts will be great small articles that you can read, learn from and share with your teams.
Here is a little more about what we will be doing everyday:
Monday’s will be Monday Motivation! This means that you will get an encouraging and motivating blog post that you can share with your teams to get them ready for the week ahead.
Tuesday’s will be Tech Tuesday! Lydia, our digital gal, will be sharing her tips and tricks on how to successful organize and run your business (and your life!) using online tools and resources.
Wednesday’s are all about the New Consultants. I will be sharing some of my basic training tips that new consultants need to get off to a fantastic start. This is also the perfect day for leaders to grab training to share with their new consultants.
If Wednesdays are about new consultants, then Thursdays are about the leaders. I will be sharing some of my leader training tips for all you leaders and potential leaders out there.
Back by popular request, social media Fridays (once known as Facebook Friday) is back! Fridays my social media expert will be sharing her knowledge on how to best utilize social media to increase your sales, recruiting and branding efforts.
Why do we brand our days? Because it makes it easier for our team to be consistent with our postings and creates a habit among our fans; so you all know what to expect from us.
This is an important strategy to develop on your own social media pages. Branding your days makes it much easier for you to create content and will help encourage engagement from your fans.
But let’s get back to blogs and why you should have one. A blog gives you the opportunity to create relevant and interesting content for your customers. It is also a great way to increase your Search Engine Optimization (how easy you are to find on Google) all while driving more traffic to your website. Blogs are an inexpensive way to attract more customers, build relationships with them, position you as an industry expert and create opportunities for sharing. *Hint, share your blog on your other social media platforms, like Facebook. Blog posts could include product reviews, training, information and the hottest trends in your industry.
You can create a free blog with Wordpress.
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