Getting the Most out of your Smartphone

Written by Lydia Martin
Step Into Success
According to Wikipedia, a smartphone is a mobile device with an advanced mobile operating system. This means it has the capability to benefit and assist you in a variety of ways all from a portable device.
So how are you currently using your smartphone? Is it mostly for calls, texting, checking Facebook and seeing what time it is? Maybe you are using it for your fitness goals, to track calories and making grocery store lists, but how are you using it for your business? Is it helping you with communication, organization, scheduling, file sharing, social media and time management? If not, it’s time to make your phone work for you.
Here are some tips on getting the most out of your smartphone.
First, think about what areas you need to be more efficient. Do you need to do a better job scheduling work activities? Do you need a system to track customer follow-up? Do you want a way to more easily communicate with your hosts and your team? Do you need to track business expenses and mileage? Great news. There’s almost always “an app for that”.
So how do you figure out what apps will help you with your business needs?
1. Do a search. You can start with “Top 10 apps for _____” on Google. Or, get specific to learn more about which app will serve you best. For example, “Evernote vs. Dropbox”.
2. Search on YouTube for reviews of different apps. This can also be helpful if you don’t understand how to use an app.
3. Use websites such as This tool allows you to search by device, topic, popularity and price. The more specific your filters, the more specific your recommendations.
4. For iOS users, I recommend AppStart for iPhone or iPad. It’s an app that recommends apps based on your interests and needs. You can search for apps that help you plan an event, apps for moms, apps for business, best to do lists, file managers and more. It also includes helpful tips on how to use the the features offered on your device.
5. For other app recommendations, stay connected with us at Step Into Success. Our goal is provide the best tools and programs for the direct sales industry. Follow us on Facebook, subscribe to our newsletter and read our blog. Business tips are shared each weekday, including tech tips on Tuesday. Coming in August… Downloadable courses that show you exactly how to use apps and online tools in your business!
So what feature or benefit do you need most from your smartphone? Comment below and we’ll share some specific app recommendations over the next few weeks!
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